Tag Archives: NHS Charities

Comelit takes on The Italian Jog in aid of NHS Heroes

Looking to make a difference for our NHS Heroes is Comelit, with various members of the company committed to run, walk and cycle the equivalent miles from its UK offices in Luton to its Italian headquarters in Lorenzo di Rovetta, Italy. 

Comelit’s challenge, aptly named The Italian Jog, will see members of the security and fire specialist’s team hoping to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities, which is dedicated to supporting NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

Francesca Boeris, managing director at Comelit UK, told Security Matters: “When one of the team said in our briefings: “Hang on a minute, I have a great idea” I was instantly ready to support the challenge, and even more so because it’s for our NHS Heroes. This is a big pledge, but one to which we have committed so as to ensure we can make a difference to the critical work being done to protect lives at this uncertain time.”


Comelit is now looking to support workplaces scheduled to return to work, introducing touch screen access control devices with integrated IR scanners for temperature checks as well as thermal camera technology designed to help ensure the safety of returning workers and customers alike.

Boeris added: “In the words of our CEO Edoardo Barzasi, we are taking the necessary measures and offering the right resources to overcome the situation. This is not only in terms of product offerings, but also service requirements. As an industry, we are undoubtedly in this together and will continue to be so. Understanding the new normal and what is being asked of all of us to protect our workers and customers is vital.”

Comelit will be posting regularly on social media platforms with updates on the team’s progress as it travels through virtual destinations and reaches its target.

*To support The Italian Jog visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-italian-jog


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